Women make more of an impact when they are not only seen but heard. We envision more women expressing their interests, insights and the desires they have professionally, personally and for a cause so they can create dynamic working relationships and forge a better future – for themselves and others. We want them to be confident and competent with the skillset of speaking up so they can identify and seize opportunities to make a difference locally and globally.
Through accessible venues online and offline, we support women with the knowledge of how to marshal their own interests, agendas, skills, and passions and express each individual’s voice in the workplace, through our businesses and non-profit organizations, at home, in our communities and through the media so we can each make difference.
Speak Up Women is an event production of Speak Up World, LLC, which has been formed to: Speak Up Women is designed to be a grassroots collaboration between attendees and a roster of thoughtfully selected presenters, vendors, sponsors, and partners. The backbone of the Speak Up Women project is strategically timed for the start of Women’s History Month every March, which itself presents an amazing calendar of events. But ‘Speak Up Women’ is much more than an introduction to other activities. It’s an incubator for individual women and women’s organizations to imagine, develop and realize the presentation of their own visions, to and for others.
Speak Up and use your voice to create change where change is necessary.
The Conference
What is it?