If you would like to apply to be a speaker, panelist or moderator, please complete the application below. Please include where you have you spoken up as a speaker, panelist, or moderator in the past and/or facilitated this type of topic at a conference, event, retreat, or other training venue. Please provide links to your work, video excerpts and/or websites. Please also include examples of others speaking up about you in testimonials or endorsements about your participation as a speaker that supports your application for our speaker, panelist, or moderator spot. DEADLINE: Applications are now being accepted through 11:59 pm EST on Sunday, June 30, 2024 Applications that do not follow the directions as stated and that do not include answers to the specific questions asked below will not be accepted. Please do not send a resume or any attachments with your application. Links to any video excerpts and/or websites you’d like us to view should be included in your response below where indicated. If you are applying as a speaker and would like to suggest a topic for your presentation, please include that in your application. If you are applying as a moderator and would like to suggest panelists for your panel, please include the panelists you are suggesting in your application and ask them to apply individually for this panel so we can review their information in conjunction with yours.
Speak Up and use your voice to create change where change is necessary.
Application Information
To Apply As A Speaker, Panelist or Moderator:
Want to be a Speaker?