“I see a lot of women not speaking up or out, held back by unwarranted fears. ‘Speak Up Women’ creates momentum for women to drive forward their own passionate personal and professional agendas and causes. ‘Speak Up Women’ is going to fulfill some dreams and create new ones,” points out Ms. Wilkov. “It’s going to provide a higher level of strength, capability, and courage for women to come together as women in support of women, as well as having a good time and knowing that’s okay.”
Speak Up Women will provide attendees with nuts-and-bolts information that will enable them to drive forward their passionate personal and professional agendas and causes; empower them to use their voice; and create change where change is necessary. It is a new kind of conference, where every attendee walks away stronger and more knowledgeable – and more fearless – than when they first entered.
There’s a residual effect of days gone by when the education of women and their expected career paths leaned to the English or Social Studies side, while men were more encouraged to pursue careers in the Math or Science fields. So many women leaders, myself included at the start of my career, feel intimidated, or […] We all have an inner voice whose job it is to tell us the truth about ourselves and the world around us. Some call it intuition or “going with your gut”. The sentiment is the same – there is wisdom inside us that serves as a compass for the choices we make and how we […] Perfectionism is a legacy that the women in my family have passed down, fencing each of us in like a chain-link prison. You keep your house clean. You smile and say you’re fine — and keep an extra pair of undies in your glove box in case you have a car accident and need clean […] Learn How To Create Change In Your Life By Using Your Voice
Jennifer S. Wilkov, the Founder and Producer of Speak Up WomenCelebrate
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